We can assist you with all your possible water needs
With portable water becoming a scarce commodity, a lot of people are making use of Water Harvesting Solutions such as JoJo Tanks and Grey Water Systems. We offer Water Solutions that allows you to Harvest, Treat and Filter your water to a drinkable level, or a more cost-friendly solution for non-potable water for use in your garden or pools, as well as, agricultural applications for larger properties and farms.
Water Harvesting and many benefits, allowing you to get water from the rain or the ground and use it in your everyday life. This is a very planet-friendly solution and assists you in times of drought and dry seasons to keep your reliance on municipal water to a minimum.
Whatever eco-friendly solution you choose, The Eco Collective can assist you from installation to tap by utilising the available resources to tailor a system best suited for your space.
Get in touch for a consultation today!